Love is a divine feeling
Love is a divine feeling
But when u lost love u r lost
love is the strongest intangible thing
A weapon that makes u strongand
can hurt more than a bullet

Glimpse of how much I love u
Multiply it by infinitytake it to the depth
of forever
you will still only have
a glimpse of how much
I love you

Love begins with a smile
Love begins with a smile
Grows with a kiss
Ends with a teardrop

Love is 2 soulsinter
twined in such a way
you can’t find their meeting place
nor can you tear it apart
it is one embodiment of
pure pleasure & pain ,joy & sorrow

Y do I love u?
Why Do I Love You ???
You Are
Always Have BeenMy DREAM …

Never examine your love relations
”Never try to examineyour love relationsbecausethey are like diamondswhen you hit themthey don’t breakbutmay slip away from your life … ”

How much they love them…
The greatest weaknessof most human
sis their hesitan
cyto tell other
show much they love them
while they’re alive.

Love is not about whom u have known the longest
is not about whom
you have known the longest..OR
Who came first…OR
Who cares the best…
It’s all about WHO CAME & NEVER LEFT.

I wont forget you
I was on a ship thinking of you.
when i looked down i dropped a tear in the ocean.
then i promised myself that until someone finds it.
i wont forget you.

Open with Love…
Open with Love…If
I disturb UI am Sorry!
But I need
To SayI…Love…Disturbing you…

Love plus (+)
Love PlusThe fun in together
The sad in apart
The hope in tomorrow
The joy in heart !

Do not seek…
Do Not SeekThe ” Because ”
In Love
There Is
No ” Because ”No ” Reason ”No “Explanation ”No ” Solution “

I Found All THREE
I Sought For LOVEBut LOVE Ran Away From Me …
I Sought My SOULBut SOUL Couldn’t See …
I Sought YOUAnd I Found All THREE …

Worst thing for love
The Worst Thing You
Can Do For Love Is,Deny It
When You Find ThatSpecial Someone
Don’t Let Anyone Or
Anything To Get ItYour Wat …

I’m a PAPER, u can write ur feelings
I’m a PAPER,
u can write ur feelings
,scribble ur anger,
use me 2 absorb tears.
Don’t throw me after use but
when u feel cold burn meto feel warm cause
I Love you.

Love them like a river
Don’t love a friend like a flower,
Because a flower dies in season.
Love them like a river,
Because a river flows forever..

Lovely roses and Lovely you..
Lovely roses and Lovely you..and Lovely r the things u do..but the loveliest is the friendship of the two….one is ME and other is YOU.

I have no regrets. I will never regret loving someone
I have no regrets.
I will never regret loving someone
because the feeling of love for five minutesis greater than an eternity of hurt.

Without love — days are :
Without Love — dayz are“Sadday,moanday,tearsday,wasteday,thirstday,frightday,shatterday… so be in Luv everyday…Wish u a Happy Valentine’s Day

Talk 2 me when i’m bored
Talk 2 me when i’m bored,
kiss me when i’m sad,
hug me when i cry,
care 4 me when i die,
love me when i’m still alive.

Doubt that the stars are fire
Doubt that the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun doth move,
doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt I love.

I could fill a 1000 pages
I could fill a 1000 pages
telling U how I feel,
and still U would not understand.. Sonow
I leave w/o a sound,
except my heart shatteringas it hits the ground.

Love isn’t about becoming somebody else’s perfect person
What is Love?
Love isn’t about becoming
somebody else perfect person
It’s about finding someone who helps
you become the best person you can be.


Anonymous said…
"If i were to describe true love than i wud describe it as what a snowman did to a snow woman, he gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms..."
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