You have to be a School teacher if ...........................
You have no time for a life from the end of August until Mid-July.
You want to slap the next person who says, 'Must be nice to work from 8.30am to 3.15pm and have your summers and weekends free.'
When you're out in public you feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behaviour.
You refer to adults as, 'boys and girls.'
You encourage your spouse by telling them they are a 'good helper.'
Meeting a child's parents instantly answers the question, 'Why is this child like he is?'
you believe 'extremely annoying' should have its own box on the report.
You know hundreds of 'good' reasons for being late.You don't want children of your own because there isn't a name you can hear that wouldn't raise your blood pressure.

Teacher Joke
The teacher asked her class of 8 year olds to use a sentence containing the word fascinate
Molly put up her hand and said, 'My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep It was fascinating.' The teacher said, 'That was good, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate', not fascinating'.
Sally raised her hand. She said, 'My family went to see Rock City and was fascinated.'
The teacher said, 'Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate.'
Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word 'fascinate', so she called on him.
Johnny said, 'My aunt Gina has a sweater with ten buttons, but her bosoms are so big she can only fasten eight.'

Nursery School Teacher Joke
The teacher sat down and cried.
A nursery school teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing Christmas scenes. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.
As she got to little Sarah who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. Sarah replied, 'I'm drawing God.' The teacher paused and said, 'But no one knows what God looks like.'
Sarah replied, 'They will in a minute'


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