Funny Insults

Funny Insults: Girl, you so flat!
Girl, you're so flat that when the painter came to do the house he said, "This wall, too?"

Funny Insults: Boomerang
You're so fat, you need a boomerang to put your belt on!

Funny Insults: Roses
Roses are red violets are black, why is your chest as flat as your back?

Funny Insults: Your so fat
Your so fat, the last time you saw 90210 was on the bathroom scale!

Funny Insults: Its your birthday
Your so fat, everytime you turn around, its your birthday!

Funny Insults: your mom
Your mom, is so fat and old when god said let there be light he was telling her to get her fat ass out of the way!

Funny Insults: Your so ugly
Your so ugly, a garbage man picked you up and threw you into the truck.

Funny Insults: scale
Your so fat that when you stepped on the scale it said "To be continued..."


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